9 Ways Post

9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life

Gordon B. Hinckley

1. Be Grateful

Image result for being grateful

I think that what this way means is that if you want to have a better life and if you want to have a life that you can enjoy peacefully then you should learn and try your best to be grateful. Happiness isn't about getting what you want all the time. It's about loving what you have and being grateful for it. If you are not grateful then people are not going to want to give you anything because since yo have a bad reputation for being ungrateful they are going to know that you do not like what other people give you.

2. Be Smart

Image result for be smart picturesI think that to be smart means that you have to be able to make the right choices when the time comes it's sort of like being wise i guess you can say. Like for example your friends are going to go to a party and they invited you but you know that you have a test the following day and you haven't studied so you tell them you can't and you go home and you study. Now if you were to pick to go to the party instead of going home and studying then that wouldn't have been such a smart choice because you are just damaging yourself and you will affect your grade for that class.

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3. Be Involved

I think that to be involved means to like to be active and to be social with others no one likes people who are just stuck all day at home and don't do anything people like others who show that they want to be involved and want to be more like others also I think that it could mean that you are someone that can be in clubs or in sport teams stuff like that is the kind of things that matter.

4. Be clean

Image result for be cleanI think that to be clean means that you have to be organized and you have to be responsible for the choices that you do. Also I think that this can mean to not watch things that are dirty stuff that is not appropriate for anybody to watch or do. Things that you can do to stay clean can consist of taking a shower, brushing your teeth, washing your hands, washing your face, and hair. But it doesn't have to be just external cleaning, things like not smoking or eating healthy can also help you to be clean.

Image result for be true5. Be true

I  think that to be true means that you have to be able to tell the truth no matter what and that you have to want to be truthful not just to be honest but so that you can have a good reputation and so that people can talk good about you. You don't want anyone to tell talk about you and to say that you are a liar that is why we have to be able to say the truth all the time.

6. Be Positive 

Image result for be positiveI think that to be positive means to be enthusiastic, optimistic don't be negative about everything that people tell you or to not get angry and to not lose your temper over something little that has just happened but being positive means to be able to take in the bad and to just be like whatevers about it.

Image result for be humble7. Be Humble

I think that to be humble means that you have to be able to put other people before you and try your best to not be selfish and to try to not be like that the whole world is yours but that you have to be nice and put other people's needs and wants before you no matter what.

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8. Be Still

I think that to be still means that you have to be able to be calm o matter what happens and in whatever case or circumstance. It means that you have to be able to have self control when times become hard and you have to be able to maintain strong and make the right decisions.

9. Be Prayerful

Final Reflection

Image result for 9 ways gordon b hinckley
Reflection: I think that overall these 9 ways were pretty good some I didn't know what they were before I searched them up. But now I know what most of them mean and how they can apply to our lives to help us make a better future and to live our lives peacefully.


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